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My 10 ways to prevent cancer - Dr. Kust for Ž

Cancer is one of the most common and serious diseases today that affects millions of people around the world of the world. According to the World Health Organization, cancer causes about 10 million deaths annually, making it the second leading cause of death globally. Although some risk factors, such as genetics, cannot be controlled, there are many steps we can take take to reduce the risk of developing cancer. In this article we will go into more detail deal with the ten most important ways we can prevent this disease, and which we ourselves I personally apply it.

1. Maintaining a healthy body weight

One of the most important ways to reduce your risk of cancer is to maintain a healthy weight.

Obesity is strongly associated with an increased risk of developing several types of cancer, including breast, colon, uterine, kidney and pancreatic cancer. Adipose tissue not only produces additional hormones, such as estrogen, that can promote the growth of some cancers, but also creates chronic inflammation that can cause DNA damage and increase the risk of cancer.

Maintaining a healthy weight involves a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

It is recommended to reduce the intake of calories from saturated fat and sugar and increase the intake primarily vegetables, followed by fruits, whole grains and proteins of plant origin. Regular Exercise, such as walking, running or swimming, is also key to burning calories and maintaining a healthy body weight.

2. Regular physical activity

Regular physical activity not only helps maintain a healthy weight, it can also

reduce the risk of developing several types of cancer, including breast and colon cancer. Exercise helps regulate hormone levels, such as estrogen and insulin, which can play a role

role in the development of cancer.

The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week, with additional strength training twice a week. Incorporating regular physical activity into your daily routine, such as walking, cycling or working out at the gym, can significantly reduce your risk of cancer and improve your overall health.

3. Proper nutrition

Nutrition plays a key role in cancer prevention. Numerous studies show that nutrition

rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Plant food it is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect cells from damage

caused by free radicals, which are one of the causes of cancer.

It is also important to reduce the intake of red meat and processed meat products, such as sausages and salami, which are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. Instead,

focus on eating fish, chicken, legumes, and other plant-based protein sources

origin. Increase your fiber intake by eating whole grains, nuts and

seeds, which may also help reduce the risk of cancer.

4. Limiting alcohol intake

Alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of developing several types of cancer, including breast, colon, liver, mouth and throat cancer. Alcohol can cause damage

cells, increase estrogen levels and cause inflammation, which can lead to cancer.

If you decide to consume alcohol, do so in moderation. It is recommended that women limit their intake to one drink a day, while men should consume no more than two drinks a day. Keep in mind that even a small amount of alcohol can increase the risk of cancer, so reducing your consumption is always a good step.

healthy diet

5. Quitting smoking and avoiding passive smoking

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, but also of many other types of cancer, including lip cancer cavity, throat, esophagus, pancreas, bladder and kidneys. Tobacco contains thousands chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic. Even passive smoking, i.e. inhaling other people's smoke humans, may increase the risk of cancer.

Quitting smoking is one of the most important steps you can take to reduce your risk

cancer. If you don't smoke, avoid exposure to secondhand smoke as much as possible.

I would also like to emphasize very clearly that smoking electronic cigarettes is just as harmful and it is not a "healthy substitute" for smoking cigarettes.

6. Sun protection

Skin cancer, including melanoma, is one of the most common types of cancer, but it is very curable prevent. The most important risk factor for skin cancer is exposure to UV radiation, either from the sun or solarium. Protect yourself from the sun by using a cream with a protective factor (SPF 30 or more), by wearing protective clothing, hats and sunglasses.

Avoid sunbathing in solariums and limit exposure to the sun during the most intense hours

(usually between 10 am and 4 pm). Check your skin regularly and seek medical advice if

notice any changes in the size, shape or color of the mole.

7. Regular preventive examinations and screening

Regular medical examinations and screening for certain types of cancer can help early

detecting the disease, when it is most easily curable. For example, mammography can help in In the early detection of breast cancer, a colonoscopy can detect polyps that can develop into cancer colon, and a Pap test can detect changes in the cervix before they become cancer.

Talk to your doctor about which screening tests are right for you based on that

your gender, age, family history and other risk factors. Regular examinations can

significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer or enable early treatment.

8. Vaccination against viral infections

Some viruses can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer. For example, humane papilloma virus (HPV) is associated with cancer of the cervix, anus, throat and penis, while hepatitis B virus (HBV) may increase the risk of liver cancer. Vaccination against these viruses can significantly reduce the risk of developing related types of cancer.

In Croatia, HPV vaccination is available for girls and boys at the age of 9

year, but can be applied later. Vaccination against hepatitis B is recommended for

newborns and adults who are exposed to a higher risk (for example, healthcare workers).

9. Avoiding exposure to harmful chemicals and radiation

Exposure to certain chemicals, such as asbestos, radon and some industrial ones

chemicals, may increase the risk of cancer. Ensure a safe working environment and use

protective equipment when working with dangerous substances. At home, ensure a well-ventilated area and avoid using products that contain harmful chemicals.

Radiation, including X-rays and ultraviolet radiation, can also increase the risk of

cancer. If possible, reduce unnecessary exposure to medical radiation (follow the doctor's strict recommendation, without "forcing" examinations).

10. Stress and maintenance of mental health

For now, it is not completely clear whether stress itself is directly related to the development of cancer, but it can influence behavior that increases the risk of disease. Chronic stress can lead to unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet and deficiency exercises. All these habits can increase the risk of cancer.

Stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga or walking

time with family and friends, can help reduce stress and improve general well-being

of health. Ensuring enough sleep and maintaining a balance between work and private life

of life can also contribute to better mental health and a lower risk of cancer.

In short, cancer prevention is not simple, but it is possible through a combination of healthy lifestyles habits, regular examinations and reduction of exposure to risks. Although there is no guarantee that cancer will not develop, taking these steps can significantly reduce risk and improve quality life. Being informed and proactive are key in the fight against this dangerous disease. Each the individual has the power to make decisions that will positively affect his health and future.

You can view the original article at the link .

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