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We are here for you.

Why give us your trust? is the largest oncology network in Croatia and the region, launched with the basic goal of providing reliable information and comprehensive support to patients who are fighting one of the most difficult diseases - cancer. Our team consists of around 30 leading experts of all specialties who deal with oncology patients (oncologists, internists, surgeons, nutritionists, psychologists, patient associations...). Our goal is to provide oncology patients with fast and reliable information about their disease and to offer them diagnostics and treatment according to American and Western European standards, because we believe that all patients should have equal chances and the opportunity to be cured.


The number of oncology patients is constantly increasing, and thus the pressure on the healthcare system is also increasing. Long waits for examination and treatment, crowded clinics, doctors who, due to the excessive number of examinations, do not have time to familiarize the patient with all the relevant facts, the unavailability of modern treatment methods and therapies that are used in more developed countries... these are just some of the pains of treating oncology patients in the state hospital system. We believe that the diagnosis of a malignant disease alone is enough stress for any person, and we want to enable you to make all the other stages that need to be passed as less unpleasant as possible and that the treatment carried out is effective. In treatment, we use exclusively American and Western European recommendations, and our doctors and other medical personnel are persons with strong credibility that results from their professional and scientific activity, which means that they themselves participate in creating the rules according to which today the greatest experts treat oncology patients. In order to provide better and faster patient information, the portal is an integral part of the network, as the only oncology portal whose content is edited exclusively by doctors, without external funding, which ensures the reliability of the content without the influence of interest groups.

Check out our close team below, while you can find a complete list of our collaborators on the webPolyclinic Anova.


Ph.D.Sc. Davor Kust, MD

Specialist in oncology and radiotherapy, originator and founder of the network. dr. Kust graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zagreb, where he received his doctorate in 2016, defending the topic entitled "Prognostic significance of cytokeratin-20 gene expression in peripheral blood cells of patients with colon cancer". In 2018, he became the first university master of oncology and radiotherapy in Croatia, defending the topic entitled "Hypothyroidism as a predictive factor of a better response to sunitnib therapy". Since 2012, he has been working as an oncologist at KBC Sestre milosrdnice in Zagreb. From 2015 to 2019, he was a delegate in the assembly of the Croatian Medical Chamber.

He is one of the founders of Polyclinic Solmed, after which he independently founded Polyclinic Anova in 2021. During his work so far, he has published around 50 scientific and expert-scientific articles, 12 chapters in medical books and textbooks and 25 congress abstracts. He is a regular lecturer at domestic and foreign oncology meetings, and his narrower areas of interest are tumors of the digestive system, head and neck tumors, and neuroendocrine tumors.

See the highlightspublications Dr. Kusta.


Ph.D.Sc. Ivan Kruljac, MD

A specialist in endocrinology and diabetology, Dr. Kruljac graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zagreb with excellent results, and at the same faculty he received his doctorate in 2016 in epidemiological research on diabetes. He gained enormous clinical experience at the Department of Endocrinology of the KBC Sestre Milosrdnice, where as head of the Council for Neuroendocrine Tumors he handled the most complex cases in the field of endocrinological oncology, which were referred from other general hospitals and clinical hospital centers from Croatia and abroad. His scientific work is particularly significant, establishing himself as the most active endocrinologist in Croatia, publishing more than 50 articles, some of which are in the most prestigious international journals such as "The New England Journal of Medicine" and "American Journal of Medicine". Since 2019, he is the secretary of the Croatian Endocrinological Society and Croatian representative in the European Endocrinological Society. He is a co-owner and one of the founders of the Solmed Polyclinic, within which he is currently participating in several clinical trials as the main investigator or sub-investigator.

See the highlightspublications Dr. Kruljac.


Sandra Krstev Barač, M.Sc.

Master of Nutrition with over 13 years of experience in nutritional counseling, diet therapy and education of the public and experts about the interplay between nutrition and health. In parallel, she graduated from the Faculty of Food and Biotechnology, majoring in nutrition, and the Faculty of Economics, majoring in analysis and business planning. From 2007 to 2018, she worked at Vitaminoteka d.o.o., and in 2019 she was admitted to the prestigious American Institute for Functional Medicine, where she is currently studying to become a certified practitioner of functional medicine. She is the author of the blogFunctional medicine, whose main goal is to convey scientifically proven knowledge and treatment options for chronic diseases and conditions, with a special emphasis on the nutrition of oncology patients. During her career, she was an executive editor or associate at several nutrition portals (,,  missZDRAVA, Zdravo Budi, and She is the author of over 200 expert and popular articles on food and nutrition.


Ph.D.Sc. Vanja Putarek, mag.psych.

Vanja Putarek completed her studies in psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb in 2012, and at the same faculty she received her doctorate in 2020 with the topic "Metacognitive reasoning in a mathematical context". She is the winner of the Dean's Award for excellence in studies, the Bujas gold badge for a particularly valuable thesis, the group State Award of the Croatian Parliament for the Popularization of Science and the award of the Society of University Teachers and other Scientists. Since 2014, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of School Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. She is actively involved in the implementation of scientific projects and the teaching of psychology. He is currently taking the third level of education in behavioral-cognitive psychotherapy at the Croatian Association for Behavioral-Cognitive Therapies. She completed the basic training for the application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). He works in the Counseling Center of the Faculty of Philosophy for students. She is a member of the Croatian Psychological Chamber, the Croatian Psychological Society and the Croatian Association for Behavioral-Cognitive Therapy. 

Look at herspublications.


Kristina Urch, MD.

dr. Urch graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zagreb, and after her internship, she gained extensive experience in medical emergencies by working at the Department of Emergency Medicine of the Istrian County. In 2013, she began her specialization in internal oncology at the Clinical Hospital Center of the Sisters of Mercy in Zagreb, where she still works as a specialist in internal oncology. Her narrower areas of interest are lung tumors, skin tumors and breast tumors. He is an active member
of the Croatian Society for Internal Oncology and the Croatian Oncology Society. He also has experience in several clinical trials as a sub-investigator.

Take a lookpublications Dr. Urch.

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Dr. Elena Fountzilas


Medical Oncologist

Clinical Associate Professor, European University Cyprus

Euromedica General Clinic, Greece


Dr. Milo Petrova


Department of Medical Oncology, Multi Profile Hospital for Active Treatment Nadezhda, Sofia, Bulgaria

Doctor Wearing a Tie

Dr. Ulug Mutlu Gunaydin


Department of Medical Oncology, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey


Dr. Emiljana Huti


Department of Oncology, American Hospital Tirana II, Tirana, Albania



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